Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's been too long.

Ok, it's been a long time since I have posted on here. Let's see....well, Owen was a yellow duck for halloween! That was exciting...I'm still waiting on most halloween pics, and pumpkin patch pics, but there is one picture of Owen in his puffy costume.

He is standing solo, and trying to walk these days. Today he used a straw for the first time! He is growing up way too fast!

Thanksgiving was fun! We had Chris's sisters, and my mom and Mel over for a Thanksgiving feast, hosted by yours truely for the first time helped alot! Haha, thanks mom! We have all hit a couple rough patches with colds and flu's here and there, but thankfully have pulled through unscathed! Work has been pretty crazy and intense for both Chris and I. In my line of work winter time is our busiest. So it's been keeping me on my toes. Here are some recent pictures for your viewing pleasure. I hope you all had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. ....Let's go Christmas season! Hooray!