Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!!

For daddies day we took a trip to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. We met up with our friends Liz, Aaron, their son Bradley, Liz's dad, and sister. It was gorgeous outside! The weather was perfect for the beach, although I got sunburned, it wasn't too hot at all out by the water. We dressed Owen in his little swimming trunks and rashguard so he could have his first ocean encounter!
After walking along the boardwalk for a while, and eating at one of the cute restaurants they have there, we headed down to the beach to play in the sand. Aaron took Bradley out into the surf to jump some waves...

Liz took tons of pictures from the beach of her boys in the water, and hung out with Owen...

We took some pictures of Owen's first little dip in the ocean...just his toes went in...the water is pretty cold...

After playing in the sand for a while, we packed it up and headed home. It was a long day of being in the sun and Owen, (and myself), were definitly ready for a nap. We hit a ton of traffic trying to get home, but Owen slept the entire way. It wasa really fun day out at the beach. Chris enjoyed his dad's day.

Anyway, I hope all you dad's had a great day! Love you guys!

Until next time...

Monday, June 15, 2009


So, we have finally taken a family picture, or several pictures. Owen wasn't in the best of moods, so he isn't exactly smiling, but hey, at least he looked at the camera!...sorta...Owen looks huge to me for some reason. I assure you , he's not that big, I think it's because he was closest to the camera.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Real food!...Sorta...

Owen had real food today for the first time...sorta. He had peaches stage 1 baby food. It was so cute! We put him in the high chair, and Chris fed him his first ever baby food experience. I took a ton of pictures. He loved it! Safe to say, peaches were a hit! Doctor said we can try one baby food every three days. So, a couple more days of peaches, and we move to carrots..yummm! I hope he takes to carrots as well as he did the peaches...

Chris and I dropped the baby off tonight with Chris's mom so we could go out and see a movie. We saw The Hangover...absolutely hysterical! We had alot of fun! I also upgraded my cell phone, as the one I had, had broken down a long, long time ago.

It's sunday night, and I'm dreading the start of another work week...however, I got a bit of a promotion this past week! Yay! So, I start training for my new position tomorrow. It's in the medical billing department at our office, which is really nice, because it's already a position I'm familiar with, and I don't have to deal with other doctors offices asking for patient info anymore. That got annoying.

Anyway, here are some pictures of Owen and his peaches. Also, I took some pictures of Chris tickling Owen after he ate...

Monday, June 1, 2009

We've all been sick...

Well, for the past week and a half everyone here has been sick. It started with Mel, traveled to my mom, who passed it to me and Owen, and now I've given it to Chris. It's been hellish. On the bright side, Owen is sick, but you'd hardly notice! Haha. It hasn't phased him much. Aside from being a bit more clingy to me, and sleeping more, he's still his cheerful self, with the addition of a cough. This was him sleeping it off with his favorite puppy.

Work has been insanely busy. However, we did find time to get out on the town for our first "non child" adult outing! My mom and Mel took Owen for us over Memorial Day weekend, so we could go out and have fun with our friends. We had so much fun! My best friend, Megan and I went with Chris, and two of his buddies to several little bars here in downtown San Jose and then went and played pool at these billiards nearby. We took tons of pictures and goofed off and laughed the whole night. Then, on Sunday night, Chris and I got to go out on a little date night. We went to The Cheesecake Factory and then to see Star Trek. It was awesome! Star Trek was an amazing movie. I"m really hoping we can go see the movie Up this weekend, it looks so cute!

Anyway, Owen is growing, at an astounding rate. He's a sturdy 17 pounds now, haha. The kid is solid! He's making all kinds of noises now that are hilarious. He's ticklish everywhere so we get him laughing pretty good sometimes. He has started eating at his high chair, and we're working on applesauce and pureed carrots, delicious I know. He has a new favorite bouncy chair. He jumps around and laughs at himself and goes crazy. Here are some pictures of Owen from the past week...

I hope everything is well with everyone, love you guys, talk to you soon!