Sunday, March 22, 2009

Go Sharks!

We took Owen to his second ever Sharks game yesterday. It was Sharks vs. Stars, and we totally kicked ass! Owen slept through most of the game. We had awesome seats, are a couple pics.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Well, I hope you all had an awesome St. Patty's Day! Ours was pretty calm around the Rodgers home. My dad has been in town visiting for the past couple days, so himself, Sylvia, and I took Owen to The Old Spaghetti Factory in downtown San Jose. I hadn't been there in ages, and had completely forgotten how good it is! It may be safe to say that it's my new favorite restaurant. I wore my green, as did Owen, did you remember yours!? Downtown San Jose was so cute and bustling with people out celebrating. There is an Irish Pub next to the Spaghetti Factory called, O'Flaherty's and boy were they partying!! Anyway, we had an early dinner and said our goodbye's, (dad and Sylvia headed home this morning), and I went home where Owen and I hung out for the rest of the night. He is starting to want to roll over. When I put him on his tummy, he puts all his weight on his right side and tries to push the rest of himself over. Although he hasn't figured out how to throw his hips yet, he is making awesome progress!

Here are some pictures of Owen in his festive green outfit that says, "Mommys lucky charm" ...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy baby!

I just wanted to show off some of Owen's mom took some great smiley pictures the other day of him...he's a total ham.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Owen's First Shots...

Here's a more recent picture of Owen, at 2 months old now! He's such a big boy!

He had his first set of shots yesterday, and he did excellent! He weighs an even 13lbs. now and is 23 inches long. Taking on the measurments of a Portugi more and more every day! Haha...

The doctor gave him a clean bill of health and then sent in a nurse to poke the heck out of him with huge needles. Owen cried, but quickly settled down. My mom came down from Manteca to accompany me to the doctor in case of a major catastrophe of some kind. (She was the most upset about the shots). She stayed the night and it gave me a chance to catch up on some much needed sleep...7 straight hours of uninterupted bliss!

He has been all smiles lately and really starting to vocalize. My mom swears up and down she heard him laugh, I'm thinking it's a bit early for laughter, but who knows, anything is possible. His personality is really developing and he is becoming such a little ham. We play hide and go seek with his blanket and he loves it. He has developed a love for his own sneezes. He smiles so big after he sneezes several times in a row.

Well, more to come soon...I'm expecting an email full of pictures my mom took while she was here visiting, as soon as I get those, I'll be posting them!

Until next is the most awesome milk goatee you'll ever see...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Welcome to our family!

So, I decided to start documenting more of what's going on in our lives, and hopefully someone out there finds it slightly interesting. It's become more difficult these days with me going back to work, and Chris now working nights, to find time to breathe much less call every person we both know to update them on Owens latest developments. I wish I could, I really do, but let's be realistic.

Owen turned 2 months old yesterday and he is growing by leaps and bounds. I took him to the doctor on Monday, due to him having a hellish case of the sniffles, and he weighs 12 lbs. 9 oz.!! I can't even believe that just 2 months ago he was our little 7 lb. 4 oz. glow worm. We call him our glow worm because he had a slight case of Jaundice when he was born and we had to use this ultraviolet light radiating paddle on his skin 24/7 for about a week or so when we brought him home. This paddle would emit this tremendous green glow, and under his little clothes it made him look just like a Glow Worm.

Aside from Owen being the big 2 months now, and me going back to work part time for now, and Chris working night shifts, there isn't a whole lot new with us. I spend my days working from 7:30am until about 2:30pm and then come home to my boys. Chris leaves for work at about 3pm and Owen and I hang out the rest of the night. We usually play on the floor, sing songs, dance, and if all goes well, that tires him out for most of the night. I'm still trying to get him to sleep in his crib. It's been a task that has overwhelmed me from day one. He sleeps right next to me in his little vibrating baby papasan chair at night right now. I've tried to put him in his crib, but he just wakes up and cries 10 minutes after getting there. I would LOVE some suggestions if anyone has any!

As for now, I'm going to post some pictures, and talk to you guys soon!

Owen at 1 month...

Take Care!!